Local planning authorities are required to prepare, maintain and publish a list of brownfield sites as part of the Town and Country Planning (Brownfield Land Register) Regulations 2017.
It is designed to help improve the quality and consistency of data on brownfield land suitable for housing to maximise development opportunities and provide more certainty in the planning process.
The register is split into two parts.
Part 1 is a list of eligible brownfield sites in Tamworth, which we are satisfied are appropriate for residential development.
To be eligible according to the regulations a site must meet the following criteria:
- The land has an area of 0.25 hectares or is capable of supporting at least five dwellings
- The land is suitable and available for residential development
- Residential development of the land is appropriate and achievable
Part 2 is a subset of part 1 and is made up of those sites which we feel would be suitable for the granting of planning permission in principle.
Tamworth’s brownfield land data
The Tamworth register was compiled in 2020 and is updated annually.
It consists of:
- Brownfield sites with planning permission (not commenced and, if under construction, with no units completed)
- Allocated sites from the TBC Local Plan 2006-31 considered deliverable and developable
- Brownfield strategic housing land availability assessment (SHLAA) sites considered suitable, deliverable and developable
- Details on any planning permission, the size of the site in hectares, the range of dwellings expected on the site, a link to an online map and any notes.
It is available in ‘open data’ format, as prescribed by the government.
You can view it in the following formats:
Tamworth Brownfield Register (PDF)
Tamworth Brownfield Register (CSV)
This government guidance on brownfield land registers also includes more information on the purpose and process of the data.