Land charges and searches

Local land charges and searches provide information held by the council about a property. This is used by solicitors, homebuyers and mortgage lenders to help inform the homebuying process.

The searches are usually undertaken by solicitors, but people can also choose to carry out their own searches.

A full local authority search consists of the following:

LLC1: This informs buyers about any restrictions or charges affecting the use of a property, such as tree preservation orders, enforcement notices, planning permissions and financial charges.

CON29 and CON290: These provide information on matters such as local plans, highways and assets of community value.

The solicitor acting on your behalf will organise and request these searches. To carry out the searches yourself, please contact us on to request forms. 

Fees (as of April 1, 2024)

  • LLC1 - £33 (excluded from VAT)
  • Commercial CON29R - £160 plus VAT
  • Residential CON29R - £117 plus VAT
  • One-off questions - £24 plus VAT
  • Extra questions (CON290) - £18 per question, plus VAT
  • Additional parcels - £13 plus VAT, plus £1.05 extra LLC1 fee

We aim to return searches within 10 working days where possible, depending on demand and available resources.

Drainage and landfill

Drainage and water searches are carried out by Severn Trent Water.

Landfill searches are carried out by the Environment Agency.

Personal searches

People can opt to carry out a personal search of the local land charges register, rather than requesting an official search by the local authority.

Requests can be made by emailing, including a full postal address and a clearly marked boundary of the property in red.

Local Authorities (Charges for Property Searches) Regulations 2008: This relates to the Local Authorities (Charges for Property Searches) Regulations 2008 (summary of the number of requests, total income and costs associated with granting access to property records for the year 2022/23).

Item Number of Requests Total Income Received (net) Total Cost
Full Local Authority Search (LLC1 and CON29R) 182 £22,550 £22,550
LLC1 26 £464 £464
Q1.1 f-h Building Regulations 380 (chargeable) £3,420 £3,420
Full Local Authority Search (LLC1 and CON29R) 52 £8,463 £8,463

Local Authorities (Charges for Property Searches) Regulations 2008: This relates to the Local Authorities (Charges for Property Searches) Regulations 2008 (summary of the number of requests, total income and costs associated with granting access to property records for the year 2023/24).

Item Number of Requests Total Income Received (net) Total Cost
Full Local Authority Search (LLC1 and CON29R) 139 £19,738 £19,738
LLC1 4 £124 £124
Q1.1 f-h Building Regulations 276 (chargeable) £2,484 £2,484
Full Local Authority Search (LLC1 and CON29R) 41 £7,503 £7,503