Community assets

Certain community groups can ask the Council to list certain assets as being of 'community value'. This gives communities more opportunities to buy the asset if the owner decides to sell.

There is also the Community Right to Challenge.

Making a Nomination: Only eligible community and voluntary groups, local parish councils, local neighbourhood planning forums and charities can nominate. Full details of eligible groups can be found in the guidance and non-statutory guidance documents.

To nominate: Give us the details of the address and owner and why you feel it is an asset of community value, along with evidence of your eligibility to nominate. Fill in the nomination form and email it to:

Some categories are excluded from listing, the principal one being residential property. We also need to determine whether the nomination meets the definition as set out under the Localism Act. More details can be found in the non-statutory guidance.

If it is successful, we will add it to the list of successful nominations.  Assets remain on the list for five years and a land charge will be registered against it. We will assess nominations within eight weeks of receipt. The nominee and the owner will be advised that the asset has been listed.

The property owner can ask for a review and there will be an appeal to an independent body. Further guidance will be provided in the letter to the property owner.

Making a Bid: The owner of the listed asset must advise us when they intend to sell it. We will publicise this on our website, in the local areas as well as informing the nominator. If you want to make a bid you must inform us within six weeks of us telling you the asset is available to purchase. You will then have six months to put together the bid and this starts from the date the owner advised us of their intention to sell.

A list of successful and non-successful nominations will be published on our website below