Budget book and reports

As a council, we operate services on an annual revenue budget of £57 million.

This is made up of:

Gross revenue expenditure of £33 million General Fund and £24 million of Housing Revenue Account.

Which are primarily made up of:

  • £11 million - government benefit grants
  • £1 million - other government support
  • £6 million - corporate rents fees and charges
  • £3 million – business rates (net of tariff)
  • £5 million - council tax and
  • £20 million - council house rents

The capital programme for 2023/24 totals £14 million (£8 million housing, £6 million General Fund).

Budget Book and Medium Term Financial Strategy reports

The Budget Book presents our estimates of expenditure and income for the services we provide. It also follows the Service Reporting Code of Practice (SERCOP).

The Medium Term Financial Strategy (MTFS) is the budget report which incorporates our vision and corporate priorities. It includes information on the revenue budget and Council Tax, capital spending, the housing revenue account budget and the treasury management strategy.

Documents for the past five years are included below. Previous reports are available on request.

Budget Book Budget Report (MTFS)
2024/25 2024/25 (pdf)
2023/24 2023/24 (pdf)
2022/23 2022/23 (pdf)
2021/22 2021/22 (pdf)
2020/21 2020/21 (pdf)
2019/20 2019/20 (pdf)