Self and custom build

The National Planning Policy Framework states that to deliver a wide choice of high-quality homes, increase opportunities for home ownership and create sustainable and inclusive communities, local planning authorities should take account of the needs of different groups in the community, including those wishing to build their own homes.

The Self-build and Custom Housebuilding Act 2015 (subsequently amended) places a duty on certain authorities to keep a register of people who are looking for serviced plots of land they can buy for self-build or custom build projects. Serviced plots are those that either have access to a public highway and utility connections, or where these could be easily provided.

If you are interested in building your own home, either by yourself or as part of an association, you can apply to be added to the register of interested parties. We will use the register to gauge the level of demand for this type of development in Tamworth and to influence decisions in a number of areas such as planning, housing, land disposal and regeneration.

Joining the register

While councils are able to charge a fee for joining the register, we have chosen not to apply a charge in Tamworth.

Acceptance on the register is not an indication that a proposed development would be acceptable on planning terms. Necessary planning procedures still apply.

The register is private and kept in accordance with data protection rules.

If you’d like to be added to the register, please visit the Self-build and Custom Housebuilding Registration e-form.

You can ask to be removed from the register at any time by writing to us, including via email. We may remove an entry if we feel it is no longer eligible for any reason. If this happens, you’ll be notified within 28 days of removal.

How we can help

We will look to provide opportunities for people to build their own home through various means, including marketing appropriate council-owned sites for sale and working with developers and landowners regarding privately owned sites. Any council land for sale would be open to competition at the current market value.

If you have a question about custom and self-build in Tamworth, please email

More general information is available via the Self Build Portal run by the National Custom and Self Build Association.