Houses in Multiple Occupation (HMOs)

A house in multiple occupation (HMO) is a property that is rented out by at least three people who are not from one ‘household’ (such as couples or groups of relatives), but who share facilities. It might also be referred to as a house share.

If you rent out a property as a HMO, you might require a licence from us. This is so we can ensure the property is safe and meets basic occupancy standards.

When a HMO licence is required

Essentially any type of property will be deemed to be a licensable HMO if:

  • There are five or more tenants living as two or more households
  • Tenants share facilities such as a kitchen, bathroom and toilet

However, there are various local criteria and standards too, so even if your property is smaller and rented to fewer people, please get in touch to check with us.

For more information about when a licence is required, please read:

Failing to apply for an application where one is required is an offence – operating without a licence could result in prosecution or fines of up to £30,000.

HMO conditions

A licence is valid for a maximum of five years and must be renewed before it expires. If you run more than one HMO, a separate licence is needed for each.

HMO licences are subject to a wide variety of conditions. We will make sure you are aware of the conditions when you apply. Officers from Tamworth Borough Council will also assess properties against the Housing Health and Safety Rating System.

Conditions include:

  • The house must be suitable for the number of occupants
  • The manager of the property is ‘fit and proper’ (for example, no criminal record, breaches of landlord codes, or previous licence refusal)
  • Sending us an updated gas safety certificate every year
  • Installing and maintaining smoke alarms
  • Providing safety certificates for all electrical appliances when requested

Visit this page for information on fees and to apply for, renew or change your HMO licence.

HMO public register

We have a duty to maintain a public register of all HMO licences, which includes the address, the maximum number of people allowed to live in the house and the licence expiry date. This is updated regularly but may include some out-of-date information.

If you are concerned that a HMO may not be licensed, or about the way it is run, please get in touch with us via the details at the bottom of this page.

View the HMO public register here.


If you need our help with any of the above, please get in touch.

Tel: 01827 709388. Email: